In the studio

Do I really want to show you my studio ? I really should not, but I will give you a little peek at it.

So we are in renos in most of our house basement. We are in the last leg of creating a new bathroom and are hoping that we will soon be able to use the bathroom upstairs without having an audience ( aka kids ).

This means that my basement is in a state of ...well it's beyond a state mess, it's chaos.

I am also changing the way that I make my stitch markers, so a lot of my old supplies are changing. I am hoping that I can salvage the glass and a few other supplies. It would be horrible to have to get rid of all of that.

It is now time to clean out this room so I can use it ( I love my kitchen table, but always having to put projects away is annoying) and be creative in it.

I will post a few updates as I go along, so stay tuned because I will make this a great space even if it kills me.

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